House Calls


“House Calls” on

InstagramTV, Mondays at 5:30 PT

Did you call for a TV Doctor?

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Season 4, Episode 9 of Insecure, “Lowkey Trying”

also known as “the episode in which Issa Rae acts her ass off”

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Vol. 1, Ch. 3: Dear White People

A lot about Troy + Imposter Syndrome

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Vol. 1, Ch. 1:

Dear White People

The Pilot Episode

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Vol. 1, Ch. 4: Dear White People

Belonging + woke or not + Black women’s hair + Full Moon on the Quad and more.

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Vol. 1, Ch. 2: Dear White People

“The Lionel-centered episode”

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Vol. 1, Ch. 5: Dear White People

Black joy